Results for 'Inter Sexed Infants'

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  1. The Medical Construction of Gender.Inter Sexed Infants - 2001 - In Abigail J. Stewart, Theorizing feminism: parallel trends in the humanities and social sciences. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
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    A Dynamic Systems Framework for Gender/Sex Development: From Sensory Input in Infancy to Subjective Certainty in Toddlerhood.Anne Fausto-Sterling - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15:613789.
    From birth to 15 months infants and caregivers form a fundamentally intersubjective, dyadic unit within which the infant’s ability to recognize gender/sex in the world develops. Between about 18 and 36 months the infant accumulates an increasingly clear and subjective sense of self as female or male. We know little about how the precursors to gender/sex identity form during the intersubjective period, nor how they transform into an independent sense of self by 3 years of age. In this Theory (...)
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  3.  13
    La Filosofía Nuestroamericana En la Filosofía Chilena: Una Mirada a la Segunda Mitad Del Siglo XX.Aldo Ahumada Infante - 2018 - Síntesis Revista de Filosofía 6 (2):44.
    El término nuestroamericano —utilizado por Horacio Cerutti— tiene sus fundamentos en el concepto "Nuestra América". Este hilo conductor de pensamiento tiene como hecho ineludible el hacerse cargo de la realidad en que se vive y del lugar en donde se está, hecho expresado en un permanente interés en la identidad cultural y nacional, como también por una lectura crítica y explicativa del desarrollo de las ideas. En el caso de Chile, a nuestro juicio, la memoria filosófica nuestroamericana ha tendido a (...)
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    Finding My Compass.Laura Inter - 2015 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 5 (2):95-98.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Finding My Compass*Laura Inter+I was born in the 1980s, and much to my parents surprise, the doctors could not say whether I was a boy or a girl because my body had ambiguous genitalia. They then conducted a chromosome test and the result was XX chromosomes. I was assigned female and only later was diagnosed with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH). Fortunately for me the endocrinologist who treated me (...)
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    Individual vs. group decision-making: an experiment on dynamic choice under risk and ambiguity.Enrica Carbone, Konstantinos Georgalos & Gerardo Infante - 2019 - Theory and Decision 87 (1):87-122.
    This paper focuses on the comparison of individual and group decision-making, in a stochastic inter-temporal problem in two decision environments, namely risk and ambiguity. Using a consumption/saving laboratory experiment, we investigate behaviour in four treatments: individual choice under risk; group choice under risk; individual choice under ambiguity and group choice under ambiguity. Comparing decisions within and between decision environments, we find an anti-symmetric pattern. While individuals are choosing on average closer to the theoretical optimal predictions, compared to groups in (...)
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    Sex differences in interest in infants across the lifespan.Dario Maestripieri & Suzanne Pelka - 2002 - Human Nature 13 (3):327-344.
    This study investigated sex differences in interest in infants among children, adolescents, young adults, and older individuals. Interest in infants was assessed with responses to images depicting animal and human infants versus adults, and with verbal responses to questionnaires. Clear sex differences, irrespective of age, emerged in all visual and verbal tests, with females being more interested in infants than males. Male interest in infants remained fairly stable across the four age groups, whereas female interest (...)
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  7.  58
    Sex Differences in Early Embryogenesis: Inter‐Chromosomal Regulation Sets the Stage for Sex‐Biased Gene Networks.Nora Engel - 2018 - Bioessays 40 (9):1800073.
    Sex‐specific transcriptional and epigenomic profiles are detectable in the embryo very soon after fertilization. I propose that in male (XY) and female (XX) pre‐implantation embryos sex chromosomes establish sexually dimorphic interactions with the autosomes, before overt differences become apparent and long before gonadogenesis. Lineage determination restricts expression biases between the sexes, but the epigenetic differences are less constrained and can be perpetuated, accounting for dimorphisms that arise later in life. In this way, sexual identity is registered in the epigenome very (...)
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    Sex differences in infant habituation research: A survey and some hypotheses.Thomas J. Tighe & Lisa Beale Powlison - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 12 (5):337-340.
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    Sex differences in infant mortality in spitalfields, London, 1750–1839.Louise Humphrey, Silvia Bello & Emily Rousham - 2012 - Journal of Biosocial Science 44 (1):95-119.
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    Using Vector Autoregression Modeling to Reveal Bidirectional Relationships in Gender/Sex-Related Interactions in Mother–Infant Dyads.Elizabeth G. Eason, Nicole S. Carver, Damian G. Kelty-Stephen & Anne Fausto-Sterling - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Vector autoregression (VAR) modeling allows probing bidirectional relationships in gender/sex development and may support hypothesis testing following multi-modal data collection. We show VAR in three lights: supporting a hypothesis, rejecting a hypothesis, and opening up new questions. To illustrate these capacities of VAR, we reanalyzed longitudinal data that recorded dyadic mother-infant interactions for 15 boys and 15 girls aged 3 to 11 months of age. We examined monthly counts of 15 infant behaviors and 13 maternal behaviors (Seifert et al., 1994). (...)
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    Effects of Hemodynamic Differences on the Assessment of Inter-Brain Synchrony Between Adults and Infants.Satoshi Morimoto & Yasuyo Minagawa - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The simultaneous recording of brain activity in two or more people, termed hyperscanning, is an emerging field of research investigating the neural basis of social interaction. Hyperscanning studies of adult–infant dyads have great potential to provide insights into how social functions develop. In particular, taking advantage of functional near-infrared spectroscopy for its spatial resolution and invulnerability to motion artifacts, adult–infant fNIRS may play a major role in this field. However, there remains a problem in analyzing hyperscanning data between adult and (...)
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    Sex-Specific Automatic Responses to Infant Cries: TMS Reveals Greater Excitability in Females than Males in Motor Evoked Potentials.Irene Messina, Luigi Cattaneo, Paola Venuti, Nicola de Pisapia, Mauro Serra, Gianluca Esposito, Paola Rigo, Alessandra Farneti & Marc H. Bornstein - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Entangled Crossroads: Inter-Relationality, Masculinity, and Sex-Trafficked Boys.Christopher Kepler - 2021 - Feminist Theology 29 (2):187-203.
    In this article, I highlight systemic oppression related to identity construction and ontological performativity. I introduce the concept of inter-relationality as a discursive tool that builds upon intersectionality, feminist theology, and quantum entanglement theory. For a case study, I recount my experience observing sex-trafficked boys in Thailand in order to demonstrate the analytical model I present. My chief analytical guiding principle in the treatment of the case study is the way masculinity operates to re-enforce oppression. I propose queering masculinity (...)
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  14.  46
    Ten-Month-Old Infants’ Reaching Choices for “more”: The Relationship between Inter-Stimulus Distance and Number.Claudia Uller, Callum Urquhart, Jennifer Lewis & Monica Berntsen - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
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    Gendered race: are infants’ face preferences guided by intersectionality of sex and race?Hojin I. Kim, Kerri L. Johnson & Scott P. Johnson - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  16.  34
    Infant and child mortality determinants in Bangladesh: are they changing?Abul Kashem Majumder, Marian May & Prakash Dev Pant - 1997 - Journal of Biosocial Science 29 (4):385-399.
    From the data of the 1989 Bangladesh Fertility Survey, aggregate deaths reported at ages 0-12 and 13-60 months are used to estimate infant and child mortality. Multivariate analysis shows that preceding birth interval length, followed by survival status of the immediately preceding child, are the most important factors associated with differential infant and child mortality risks; sex of the index child and mother's and father's education are also significant. Demographic factors are influential during infancy as well as childhood, but social (...)
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    A history of war: The role of inter-group conflict in sex differences in aggression.Dominic Dp Johnson & Mark van Vugt - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (3-4):280 - 281.
    Human aggression has two important dimensions: within-group aggression and between-group aggression. Archer offers an excellent treatment of the former only. A full explanation of sex differences in aggression will fail without accounting for our history of inter-group aggression, which has deep evolutionary roots and specific psychological adaptations. The causes and consequences of inter-group aggression are dramatically different for males and females.
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    The influence of infant facial cues on adoption preferences.Anthony Volk & Vernon L. Quinsey - 2002 - Human Nature 13 (4):437-455.
    Trivers’s theory of parental investment suggests that adults should decide whether or not to invest in a given infant using a cost-benefit analysis. To make the best investment decision, adults should seek as much relevant information as possible. Infant facial cues may serve to provide information and evoke feelings of parental care in adults. Four specific infant facial cues were investigated: resemblance (as a proxy for kinship), health, happiness, and cuteness. It was predicted that these cues would influence feelings of (...)
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  19.  96
    Infant circumcision: the last stand for the dead dogma of parental (sovereignal) rights.R. S. Howe - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (7):475-481.
    J S Mill used the term ‘dead dogma’ to describe a belief that has gone unquestioned for so long and to such a degree that people have little idea why they accept it or why they continue to believe it. When wives and children were considered chattel, it made sense for the head of a household to have a ‘sovereignal right’ to do as he wished with his property. Now that women and children are considered to have the full complement (...)
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  20.  43
    Reproductive strategies and sex-biased investment.Susan Scott & C. J. Duncan - 1999 - Human Nature 10 (1):85-108.
    Sex-biased investment in children has been explored in a historic population in northern England, 1600 to 1800, following a family reconstitution study. An examination of the wills and other available data identified three social groups: the elite, tradesmen, and subsistence farmers. The community lived under marginal conditions with poor and fluctuating levels of nutrition; infant and child mortalities were high. Clear differences were found between the social groups, and it is suggested that the elite wetnursed their daughters whereas the elite (...)
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  21.  8
    Sex and Population Drive Interindividual Variations in a Cognitive Task Across Three Populations of Wild Zebrafish.Danita K. Daniel & Anuradha Bhat - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Animal personality refers to the consistency of variation in behavior among individuals which may be the driving force behind variations in complex behaviors as well. Individual personality could predict how well an organism would perform in behavior and cognition related tasks, as well as survive and thrive in its environment. Therefore, we would expect inter-individual variations in many behaviors, which would persist even if habituation to the experimental setup occurs, which generally results in convergence of behavior. Our study used (...)
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  22. Sex and Circumcision.Brian D. Earp - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (2):43-45.
    What are the effects of circumcision on sexual function and experience? And what does sex—in the sense related to gender—have to do with the ethics of circumcision? Jacobs and Arora (2015) give short shrift to the first of these questions; and they do not seem to have considered the second. In this commentary, I explore the relationship between sex (in both senses) and infant male circumcision, and draw some conclusions about the ongoing debate regarding this controversial practice.
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    Intersex identities: Locating new intersections of sex and gender.Stephanie S. Turner - 1999 - Gender and Society 13 (4):457-479.
    This article analyzes the sex and gender identity rhetoric of members of the Intersex Society of North America, which is a self-help and advocacy group whose main goals are to stop unnecessary genital surgery in ambiguously sexed infants and make medical histories available to adult intersexuals. By examining the organization's indebtedness to feminist and gay/lesbian/transperson theory and practice, the article shows how these political movements have progressively challenged the equation of sex with gender and how intersexuality exemplifies the (...)
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    Brain-based sex differences in parenting propagate emotion expression.James E. Swain - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (5):401-402.
    Parent-infant emotional expressions vary according to parent and infant gender. Such parent-infant interactions critically affect infant development. Neuroimaging research is exploring emotion-related brain function that varies according to gender, and regulates parenting thoughts and behaviors in the early postpartum. Through specific brain functions, parenting serves to program the infant brain for the next generation of sex-specific emotional expression.
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    The responses of infants to color.R. Staples - 1932 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 15 (2):119.
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    Load-Induced Changes of Inter-Limb Asymmetries in Dynamic Postural Control in Healthy Subjects.Jessica Heil - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Inter-limb asymmetries are associated with a higher potential risk for non-contact injuries. Differences in function or performance between the limbs might lead to imbalances and promote instability, increasing the potential risk for injuries. Consequently, an investigation of inter-limb asymmetries should be included in injury risk assessment. Furthermore, since non-contact injuries mainly occur under loaded conditions, an investigation of load-induced changes of inter-limb asymmetries can provide additional information on the athlete’s potential injury risk. Therefore, the current study aimed (...)
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    Biosocial correlates of inter-generational social mobility in a british cohort.Monika Krzyżanowska & C. G. Nicholas Mascie-Taylor - 2013 - Journal of Biosocial Science 45 (4):481-496.
    SummaryThe relationship between inter-generational social mobility of sons and daughters between 1958 and 1991 and biosocial variables, i.e. birth order, number of children in family, father's social class, region, educational attainment of child and father, educational and cognitive test scores, was studied in a large British cohort study. The data used were collected as part of the British National Child Development Study. The extent of social class mobility was determined inter-generationally and was categorized as none, upwardly mobile or (...)
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    Ethical Dilemmas in Retrospective Studies on Genital Surgery in the Treatment of Intersexual Infants.Sharon Sytsma - 2004 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 13 (4):394-403.
    Intersexual infants and infants with other genital abnormalities often receive genital surgery for sex assignment or for normalizing purposes. The wisdom and beneficence of these practices have been questioned by intersexual individuals, support groups, some doctors, and the media. Because the practices have been developed without long-term studies to evaluate them, pediatric urologists and parents of such children must face decisions with very little guidance from empirical support. In the face of ignorance about what is really the best (...)
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    Ethical issues in discharge planning for vulnerable infants and children.Marsha H. Cohen - 1995 - Ethics and Behavior 5 (1):1 – 13.
    Discharge planning for vulnerable infants and children is a collaborative, inter-disciplinary, decision-making activity that is grounded in the ethical complexities of clinical practice. Although it is a psychosocial intervention that frequently causes moral distress for professionals and has the potential to inflict harm on children and their families, the process has received little attention from ethicists. An ongoing study of the transition of technology-dependent children from hospital to home suggests that the ethical issues embedded in the discharge-planning process (...)
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    A Sweet and Bitter Providence: Sex, Race and Sovereignty in the Book of Ruth. By John Piper. Pp. 160, Nottingham, Inter-Varsity Press, 2010, £7.99 Sexuality in the New Testament: Understanding the Key Texts. By William Loader. Pp. viii, 168, London, SPCK. [REVIEW]Luke Penkett - 2015 - Heythrop Journal 56 (5):874-876.
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    Sex Differences in Depression and Anxiety Symptoms: Measurement Invariance, Prevalence, and Symptom Heterogeneity Among University Students in South Africa.N. Florence Tadi, Kaylene Pillay, Ufuoma P. Ejoke & Itumeleng P. Khumalo - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Adequate measurement is an essential component of the assessment of mental health disorders and symptoms such as depression and anxiety. The present study investigated sex-specific differences in the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 and Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7. This comprehensive cross-sectional design study pursued four objectives: measurement invariance of PHQ-9 and GAD-7 between male and female; depression and anxiety prevalence differences; cross-sex differences in the relationship between depression and anxiety; and a comparison of symptom heterogeneity. A sample of 1966 students from South Africa (...)
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  32. Beacons, breasts, symbols, sex and cancer.Domeena C. Renshaw - 1994 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 15 (4).
    Since the 1950''s effective control of conception has allowed modern men and women to differentiate procreational from recreational sexual exchange. What is considered highly erotic has differed widely through time and in various cultures. In the U.S. the female breast has come to mean far more than nurturing an infant. Sexuality symbolizes youth, attractiveness, desirability and as such is used for effective commercial marketing. The reality of cancer remains to be dealt with in health care at a physical level but (...)
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    An empirical analysis of the impact of gender inequality and sex ratios at birth on China’s economic growth.Xuehua Wu, Arshad Ali, Taiming Zhang, Jian Chen & Wenxiu Hu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:1003467.
    The contribution of women to China’s economic growth and development cannot be overemphasized. Women play important social, economic, and productive roles in any economy. China remains one of the countries in the world with severe gender inequality and sex ratio at birth (SRB) imbalance. Severe gender inequality and disenfranchisement of girls with abnormally high sex ratios at birth reflect deep-rooted sexism and adversely affect girls’ development. For China to achieve economic growth, women should not be ignored and marginalized so that (...)
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    Birth intervals regarding infant mortality and extramarital reproduction in a Spanish rural community.V. Fuster, A. Jiménez & B. Morales - 1995 - Journal of Biosocial Science 27 (4):421-429.
    SummaryRecord linking provided information on the complete reproductive schedules of a sample of 1102 couples with at least two children born alive from a rural Spanish community characterised by very high extramarital reproduction. Birth spacing was analysed considering final family size as well as the legitimate–illegitimate status and sex of the newborn, and survival of the preceding sibling.
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    Infant and child mortality in bangladesh: Age-specific effects of previous child's death.Nurul Alam & Patricia H. David - 1998 - Journal of Biosocial Science 30 (3):333-348.
    This study examines whether mortality of two adjacent siblings in families is age-specific and is modified by the MCH78, 198590 in the treatment (MCH–FP) and comparison areas. Logistic regression was used to estimate the net effects of survival status of elder siblings on mortality of younger siblings in the neonatal, postneonatal and toddler periods, controlling for birth order, previous birth interval, maternal age, education and religion, household possession of valuable items and sex of the child.
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    A Comparison of Non-verbal Maternal Care of Male and Female Infants in India and the United Kingdom: The Parent-Infant Caregiving Touch Scale in Two Cultures.John Hodsoll, Andrew Pickles, Laura Bozicevic, Thirumalai Ananthanpillai Supraja, Jonathan Hill, Prabha S. Chandra & Helen Sharp - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Differences in infant caregiving behavior between cultures have long been noted, although the quantified comparison of touch-based caregiving using uniform standardized methodology has been much more limited. The Parent-Infant Caregiving Touch scale was developed for this purpose and programming effects of early parental tactile stimulation on infant hypothalamic-pituitary adrenal -axis functioning, cardiovascular regulation and behavioral outcomes, similar to that reported in animals, have now been demonstrated. In order to inform future studies examining such programming effects in India, we first aimed (...)
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    Trajectories of Mother-Infant Communication: An Experiential Measure of the Impacts of Early Life Adversity.Lauren Granata, Alissa Valentine, Jason L. Hirsch, Jennifer Honeycutt & Heather Brenhouse - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Caretaking stability in the early life environment supports neurobehavioral development, while instability and neglect constitute adverse environments that can alter maturational processes. Research in humans suggests that different types of early life adversity can have differential effects on caretaker relationships and later cognitive and social development; however, identifying mechanistic underpinnings will require animal models with translational validity. Two common rodent models, maternal separation and limited bedding, influence the mother-infant relationship during a critical window of development. We hypothesized that these paradigms (...)
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  38.  14
    Medical interventions for children born with variations in their sex characteristics: what’s the rights approach?John Tobin - 2021 - Monash Bioethics Review 39 (Suppl 1):67-81.
    There have been growing calls within Australia and beyond to defer medical interventions for children born with variations in their sex characteristics. These calls are increasingly grounded in the claim that such interventions when performed on infants and young children are a violation of their human rights. This paper examines the basis for this claim. It also examines the differences between the principles-based approach to medical ethics which has tended to dominant decisions regarding the treatment of children born with (...)
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    Determinants of Non-paid Task Division in Gay-, Lesbian-, and Heterosexual-Parent Families With Infants Conceived Using Artificial Reproductive Techniques.Loes Van Rijn - Van Gelderen, Kate Ellis-Davies, Marijke Huijzer-Engbrenghof, Terrence D. Jorgensen, Martine Gross, Alice Winstanley, Berengere Rubio, Olivier Vecho, Michael E. Lamb & Henny M. W. Bos - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:515593.
    Background: The division of non-paid labor in heterosexual parents in the West is usually still gender-based, with mothers taking on the majority of direct caregiving responsibilities. However, in same-sex couples, gender cannot be the deciding factor. Inspired by Feinberg’s ecological model of co-parenting, this study investigated whether infant temperament, parent factors (biological relatedness to child, psychological adjustment, parenting stress, and work status), and partner relationship quality explained how first-time gay, lesbian, and heterosexual parents divided labor (childcare and family decision-making) when (...)
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    Reliability of Listener Judgments of Infant Vocal Imitation.Helen L. Long, D. Kimbrough Oller & Dale A. Bowman - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    There are many theories surrounding infant imitation; however, there is no research to our knowledge evaluating the reliability of listener perception of vocal imitation in prelinguistic infants. This paper evaluates intra- and inter-rater judgments on the degree of “imitativeness” in utterances of infants below 12 months of age. 18 listeners were presented audio segments selected from naturalistic recordings to represent in each case a parent vocal model followed by an infant utterance ranging from low to high degrees (...)
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    Sex and drugs and rock and roll.Steven Pinker - 2021 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 44.
    This article is extraordinarily rigorous and rich, although there are reasons to be skeptical of its theory that music originated to signal group quality and infant solicitude. These include the lack of any signature of the centrality of these functions in the distribution or experience of music; of a role for the pleasure taken in music; and of its connections with language.
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    Islamic Bioethical Deliberation on the Issue of Newborns with Disorders of Sex Development.Mohd Salim Mohamed & Siti Nurani Mohd Noor - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (2):429-440.
    This article presents the Islamic bioethical deliberation on the issue of sex assignment surgery for infants with disorders of sex development or intersexed as a case study. The main objective of this study is to present a different approach in assessing a biomedical issue within the medium of the Maqasid al-Shari’ah. Within the framework of the maqasidic scheme of benefits and harms, any practice where benefits are substantial is considered permissible, while those promoting harms are prohibited. The concept of (...)
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    Mating Markets: A Naturally Selected Sex Allocation Theory of Sexual Selection.Marion Blute - 2019 - Biological Theory 14 (2):103-111.
    This article utilizes three premises. There are commonly ecologically oriented, naturally selected specialized differences in frequency and/or quality as well as sexually selected differences between the sexes. Sex in the sense of coming together and going apart or going apart and coming together is trade in these naturally selected differences, i.e., there is a mating market in sexual species. While such trade is beneficial to the population as a whole, sexual competition and selection is conflict over the profits of that (...)
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    Medical management of infant intersex: The juridico‐ethical dilemma of contemporary islamic legal response.Sayed Sikandar Shah Haneef & Mahmood Zuhdi Haji Abd Majid - 2015 - Zygon 50 (4):809-829.
    Technological advances in the field of medicine and health sciences not only manipulate the normal human body and sex but also provide for surgical and hormonal management of hermaphroditism. Consequently, sex assignment surgery has not only become a standard care for babies born with genital abnormalities in the West but even in some Muslim states. On the positive side, it goes a long way in saving children born with abnormal genitalia from numerous legal interdictions of the pre-sex corrective surgery. Nevertheless, (...)
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    Variation in the level of boldness behaviour across individuals, sexes, and strains of the guppy.Kate E. Lynch, Darrell Kemp & Samantha St Jean - 2022 - Marine and Freshwater Research 73 (4):441-453.
    The concept of animal personality is based on consistent individual differences in behaviour, yet little is known about the factors responsible for such variation. Theory based on sex-specific selection predicts sexual dimorphism in personality-related traits and, in some cases, differences in trait variances between the sexes. In this study, we examined the sources of individual variation for boldness behaviour in guppies (Poecilia reticulata). We first demonstrated heightened boldness expression in males relative to females across feral wild types, artificially selected domestic (...)
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  46. Intersex Diagnostics and Prognostics: Imposing Sex-Predicate Determinacy.Stephanie Julia Kapusta - 2017 - Topoi 36 (3):539-548.
    I offer a reconstruction of contemporary medical procedures of sex assignment for infants with intersex conditions. In the perspective adopted, sex assignment to intersexed newborns can be understood as a procedure that imposes determinate sex predicates. The account describes two stages of sex assignment. At the first stage of the process, the sex predicates ‘female’, ‘male’, or ‘intersexed’ are taken to denote genital morphology. Initial genital assessment of newborns imposes clear boundaries upon the extensions of these predicates through diagnostic (...)
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  47.  21
    Is Motor Milestone Assessment in Infancy Valid and Scaled Equally Across Sex, Birth Weight, and Gestational Age? Findings From the Millennium Cohort Study.Denise de Almeida Maia, Farid Bardid, Tobias Koch, Paola Okuda, George Ploubidis, Anders Nordahl-Hansen, Michael Eid & Hugo Cogo-Moreira - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Is the assessment of motor milestones valid and scaled equivalently for all infants? It is not only important to understand if the way we use gross and fine motor scores are appropriate for monitoring motor milestones but also to determine if these scores are confounded by specific infant characteristics. Therefore, the aim of the study is to investigate the latent structure underlying motor milestone assessment in infancy and measurement invariance across sex, birth weight, and gestational age. For this study, (...)
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  48. Life, death and (inter)subjectivity: realism and recognition in continental feminism.Pamela Sue Anderson - 2007 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 60 (1-3):41-59.
    I begin with the assumption that a philosophically significant tension exists today in feminist philosophy of religion between those subjects who seek to become divine and those who seek their identity in mutual recognition. My critical engagement with the ambiguous assertions of Luce Irigaray seeks to demonstrate, one the one hand, that a woman needs to recognize her own identity but, on the other hand, that each subject whether male or female must struggle in relation to the other in order (...)
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  49. Patron saints of girl and boy infants at the Florence Baptistery (14th to 15th century).Christiane Klapisch-Zuber - 2017 - Clio 45:61-83.
    Attribuer un nom de saint ou de sainte au baptisé.e revient-il à affirmer un lien particulier du ou des parents avec ce saint, ou à instituer une relation de patronage entre ce dernier et l’enfant baptisé? S’agit-il de proposer à celui-ci un modèle moral et religieux, auquel cas les pratiques italiennes de féminisation des noms de saints masculins paraissent peu cohérentes avec cette aspiration? Ou les donneurs du nom prétendent-ils d’abord honorer le saint et en recevoir eux-mêmes en retour « (...)
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    Reproductive Technologies, Care Crisis and Inter-generational Relations in North India: Towards a Local Ethics of Care.Paro Mishra - 2021 - Asian Bioethics Review 13 (1):91-109.
    This paper reflects on the social consequences of biotechnological control of population for values and ethics of care within the family household in rural north India. Based on long-term ethnographic research, it illustrates the manner in which social practices intermingle with reproductive choices and new reproductive technologies, leading to a systematic elimination of female foetuses, and thus, imbalanced sex ratios. This technological fashioning of populations, the paper argues, has far-reaching consequences for the institutions of family, marriage and kinship in north (...)
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